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 can anyone tell me what love mean and how it feels or look like?

love is a happy feeling wich u cant stop it but comes just once and u wont feel untill u try  (12 years ago)

love......is.....just..a.....word until....u...find.....some1.......who....gives...the...correct.......ans (12 years ago)

bcz i feel it nd see everywhere (12 years ago)

in todays life,there is no love exist nd love only exist in book nd fairy tel,u can use love to fool someone who loves u.it'z true (12 years ago)

aaj ke life me koi love nahi hota hai.apne ko agar life me peeche dhakelna hai to love karlo. (12 years ago)

love is something unique a person feel when meet with some1 wo touch hs or her hrt,fills it with joy and happines.,u wil fil ol thng in da world are smiling at u and wsh to be with the person every time in ur lyf (12 years ago)

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