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 Why þeople use da word "TRUE LOVE"

Since the love was expressed in fake way, the word True love came to existance.. True love cann't be expressed but can be felt.. (12 years ago)

@malika, i wanna ask u.. Y ppl dont say I TRUE LOVE YOU instead of ILOVE U? Other thing is that u said that love is fall in and fall out and dnt live forever. Well, according to me that is not love. That is atteraction due to lust. So ppl should say i lust u instead of ilu. So that the name of love won't spoil. btw, m quite agree with daisy. '' Funny though.. Love is such a pure feelin wich is always accompanied by complete trust...., y lot of þeoþle diffrentiating it wid da word "TRUE LOVE'' '' (12 years ago)

ya dear..just wanted to know peoples opinion .. And u discused it in a mature way..i like that haha (12 years ago)

am sure ofcorse we can haha.. Well da thng confusing was yu had a seriously great answer yourself about true love yet yu made it worth discussing if true love occurs bfore mariage or not... May b as yu said yu needed an experianced answer.... well i never myt have been so against the word true love if i had ever fallen out... I appretiate yur point of views anyways, but for me LOVE itself is TRUE LOVE....  (12 years ago)

well that was point of the discusion in that forum..u say love is love..have u ever falen in love dn fal out? My question was simple but u made it reali confusing haha.. I think we can all talk with experience and opinions right? (12 years ago)

well yu have concluded here saying "basically being in love, sharing yur whole life wid your love and marrying is TRUE LOVE"... Wer in your topic out there on the forum "CAN TRUE LOVE OCCUR BFORE MARIAGE".....? Its Quite Confusing me....! True love needs an entire single dedicated life, so therz no qsn abt such true love happening bfore mariage... Hmm...  (12 years ago)

its not fake love.. Look thier is guys who say i love u but they dont mean it, so that is out of question, dr are people who think dy r in love but thats infatuation, now dr is love, which we fall in, but at the end we get separated and if u both move on with ur lives and decide to date others than that was just love but if u guys love each other decide to get engaged dn marry than yes thats true love, its basicaly sharing ur whole life with that guy and getting kids..yes thats true love (12 years ago)

Taking a non debateble qsn under a debate proved my immaturity..lol... Well, i got most of my answers @malikasb, but wen it comes to fallin' for someone, why dont we get that "TRUE LOVE" once n forever.... En, y do we cal it just LOVE instead of FAKE LOVE, wich v fall out for..? I always had a conception love anyways is a pure feelin n ther's no need to highlight its purity by calling it TRUE LOVE... Well dat was just my perceptions...!! (12 years ago)

ow hack their is a big diffrence, it aint debateble question butTrue Love is Intimate. Intimacy is a crucial component of all relationships, regardless of their nature. In order to know another, you need to share parts of yourself. This self-revealing behavior, when reciprocated, forms an emotional bond. Over time this bond strengthens and even evolves, so that two people merge closer and closer together...its basicaly the person u spend the rest of ur life with..love on the other hand, many people fall in love and fall out..but true love lasts forever no matter what (12 years ago)

ah Sorry, da qsn iz.. Wats da diffrCe btw "LOVE" N "TRUE LOVE"...?  (12 years ago)

Funny though.. Love is such a pure feelin wich is always accompanied by complete trust...., y lot of þeoþle diffrentiating it wid da word "TRUE LOVE"...  (12 years ago)

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