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 what the girls love in men??

Their loving and caring heart.I love my darling saleem i love u forever.He made me the way i cant take care of my self nd cnt live witout him.Nw all r saying he is heaven,he is nt there.But i wnt believe becuz he wont leave me nd go,why becuz he knw if he is nt there who wil take cr of me,love me,wit me al throughout my life nd i cnt stay witout him.So i am waiting for u saleem,come fast,ur sangha is waiting for u.If u wont cum,i wil cum to u so that our souls cn live together.Pls cum fast.To my lovely darling.Urs love (13 years ago)

Their loving and caring heart.I love my darling saleem i love u forever.He made me the way i cant take care of my self nd cnt live witout him.Nw all r saying he is heaven,he is nt there.But i wnt believe becuz he wont leave me nd go,why becuz he knw if he is nt there who wil take cr of me,love me,wit me al throughout my life nd i cnt stay witout him.So i am waiting for u saleem,come fast,ur sangha is waiting for u.If u wont cum,i wil cum to u so that our souls cn live together.Pls cum fast.To my lovely darling.Urs love (13 years ago)

(13 years ago)

if girl is cute,kind,caring,honest. Then she looks for boys heart.  (13 years ago)

some gal pretend as if dey love you de come into someone's life just to empty all his entire saving (13 years ago)

True love and lot of Care of her (13 years ago)

Gals go crazy 4 byks 2... (13 years ago)

a non virgin gl is always a bitch.. They (gls) dnt have feelin of love but sex. And i think should b kick that gls..huh! (13 years ago)

From my point of view i need a friend who can understand my unspoken words.. And he should be with me in hard and good times...  (13 years ago)

From my point of view i need a friend who can feel the unspoken words and he should stand with me in good and bad times..  (13 years ago)

b0ys always wants gurlz virginity,but please lets just all be fair,coz b0ys u kn0w 4 urself that ur n0t even virgin eitherl,so st0p criticizing th0se gurlz who are n0t virgin at all. (13 years ago)

oOoOoOoOoO...so what girls can do with guyz* moneyy @angel?? (13 years ago)

oOoOoOoOoO...so what girls can do with moneyy @angel?? (13 years ago)

Girls want a guy wiz moneyyy. (13 years ago)

im just reading ur replies (13 years ago)

Its 4 u vampaire,i agree with all z things DPVCSL said about u (13 years ago)

Pls tell me sth (13 years ago)

girl love in man care most. After he alweys love her. He make her happy. He make her crezy . Some girl need beauty like me don't mind just joking. Girl need man all do what she want. Most is love and caqe. After she need many naughty things in man just it.....keep it up girl.  (13 years ago)

It means then u exept that u r not kind hearted n loveble (13 years ago)

So u think like that.then how can u say u r kindly hearted n loveble. (13 years ago)

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