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 How is weather in ur country?

Najami do u listen radio buraq 104? Or 101 or 103? (12 years ago)

Here in my cuntry pakistan weather is almost killing hot but our area its a bit cooler cuz we are in the just begining of a hilly area u may know islamabad is 50km away from my city islamabad is just in the center of margala hill and pothohari mountains full of natural oil and world's biggest salt range is in these mountains.oho i xplained too much.and rain started here. (12 years ago)

How was your day. (12 years ago)

singapore wether for now was unpredictable,sun was shine very hot suddenly at same time will also raining heavily.. (12 years ago)

for n0w partial rain..  (12 years ago)

Hmmm.. Thats the speciality of Kerala.. (12 years ago)

here some times rain and some times hot (12 years ago)

Here is so cloudy.. I'm going to stadium to play cricket.. I think, I'll get drenched as yesterday.. (12 years ago)

Here is thunder strom.. (12 years ago)

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