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 what the girls love in men??

friends, what do u think abt katy? (13 years ago)

calculating mind POSITION of KATY....u r frm india! Quite interesting.. Did many times sex with many diffenrentt boys..excllent work....but what if ur mother know that u want sex?? Or what peoples will say to ur childrens after marriage?? That u have already did sex with many boys?? Ha ha ha... Btw, how will u feel if ur mother has did this types of works with many boys?? Huh? Nonsense girl. (13 years ago)

(13 years ago)

Foir me,,, the thingx that i like to boys is when were having SEX they try to mke a DOGGIE that make their penis having orgasm...and i also love that they let me do the BLOW JOB....@alien&knight:do you want to have sex with me....then call me here..im from india....09394569069. (13 years ago)

They love sincerity nd honesty (13 years ago)

trust me a girl loves the boy only & nothing else. Girls r almost always serious in love. Its not love when u decide whether to love or nt. (13 years ago)

how do people feel wheen they are in love? (13 years ago)

how do people feel wheen they are in love? (13 years ago)

then u won't b a boy  (13 years ago)

10q alien for wat u said 4 vampire (13 years ago)

ok ok..vamp. U win. stop nw..n b a boy nt vampire..he he (13 years ago)

Its 4 u vampie,since u s a boy i dont have 2 explain wat it is coz u already know it (13 years ago)

Its 4 u vampie,since u s a boy i dont have 2 explain wat it is coz u already know it (13 years ago)

Hart broken (13 years ago)

i love u saleem forever,waiting for u (13 years ago)

it's 4 u vampier.all boys r not like u.n all girls r not like that too.i agree with decemb18 too. (13 years ago)

Me 2,almost 99% of guys care(gives priority)only 4 one thing (13 years ago)

I agree with decemb18 (13 years ago)

Every gurlz wants one guy 2 mit ol hr nids..... While evry guy wants ol d gurls 2 mit his one nid...:-D U cnt deny it. (13 years ago)

Every gurlz wants one guy 2 mit ol hr nids..... While evry guy wants ol d gurls 2 mit his one nid...:-D U cnt deny it. (13 years ago)

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