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 Human Attitude..

Ok ok rodayao sis. (13 years ago)

i have different views... hmmmnnn...if thats how u see things then so be it, but this is d way i see things n u cant do nything bout it... (13 years ago)

No Rodayao sis.. You meant wrong my words.. God's love made liberty to the birds.. But, human's love restricted them.. I think now that, you caught my thought..  (13 years ago)

Hmmmnnn..Human invented cages for a good reason.. lol..putting birds on cage is just a way to prevent them from possible danger or extinction..Creation of human is the best thing ever made because human are capable of understanding all things around them.. (13 years ago)

ya, right said friends (13 years ago)

Wise saying,tom. (13 years ago)

God proposes, Man disposes. (13 years ago)

God Loved Birds.. So, He Created Trees for Birds.. Human also Loved Birds... But He created Cages for Birds.. -PhoeniXBala.. (13 years ago)

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