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 Ur first love

love...well, this ques. always tease me..whether it was a love or a mere crush...watever it was, but i acknowledge this fact that i once fallen in luv wen i was in 11th standerd...she also liked me perhaps but neither of us said this..now i dont know where she is after 2 years...i wish i can see her again...i will give her a big hug and would tell her how much i love her. (13 years ago)

Acha hai beta to bach gaya  (13 years ago)

sorry friends , i didn't got chance to love any body (13 years ago)

thank basky i hope that i'll find a good man in my dream n my parent like him too . It's will go on d't like before ........ (13 years ago)

hey.......nancy n eiron cheer wtever happens,it happens fo gd ,dont worry u both'll find a better 1 !!!!! (13 years ago)

eron u d same me , but it my last love ' he's my brother of my friend in collage since we see each other d 1st time but now we broken coz of .......  (13 years ago)

my first love? He's my brother's best friend in college, i still remember the date that we broke up.  (13 years ago)

But who's ur first and last love girl (13 years ago)

My love its first and last (13 years ago)

Oh.. (13 years ago)

Kai mili par un jaisa koi nai (13 years ago)

Classmate nai meli koi..he.he (13 years ago)

Sharm kyun karun karta tha to kartha tha koi kya begar leta ? Thobra chor ke he he he he he (13 years ago)

all ur past is very so sad 4me too ... he he he  (13 years ago)

i love Rasnaa in my 5th class . She is a nice girl. Looking cute at the time but now she...?  (13 years ago)

Wap shrm kar apne madem per line marta tha..he.he.he... (13 years ago)

so pity on u now d't be so sad u'll find the good one ....  (13 years ago)

hmm......ma 1st love wid ma neighbour wn i was in 9th stnrd......nw she got married ! (13 years ago)

hmm......ma 1st love wd ma neighbour (13 years ago)

I want girl friend (13 years ago)

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