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Nafaa.. You've used the word 'Among' for two options.. The word Among will be used when the things/people are more than two only.. For a matter of two items/persons, the word 'Between' should be used.. For e.g., There is a clash among them.. There is a clash between alien and nafaa... (13 years ago)

Nafaa.. You've used the word 'Among' for two options.. The word Among will be used when the things/people are more than two only.. For a matter of two items/persons, the word 'Between' should be used.. For e.g., There is a clash among them.. There is a clash between alien and nafaa... (13 years ago)

thanks nafaa.. (13 years ago)

c) both are right , (13 years ago)

oh thanks nafaa..for disclosing ur identity. Ha ha ha..sorrrrry! Just kidding!  (13 years ago)

competetion!! But i am a dull student! And u wont want competetion with a dull student..  (13 years ago)

both r ryt. Although my eng. Is very bad. (13 years ago)

Do you know a fact that, the word THE will be pronounced in two ways.. How will I explain it.. I try my best.. The word THE should be pronounced as 'Thi' (like the first word of 'This', Thi+s) when it comes in front of any vowel word.. In other Consonant words, The word THE should be pronounced as the first word of 'Thus' (Thu+s).. Even it is a Tiny one, It'll be an important one when speaking in English.. Do you understand that What I mean..?  (13 years ago)

No No.. Its not right guys.. The time for taking food at night is Dinner time only.. Not supper time.. It's depending on what kind of food we take at night.. I mean regular food.. If you take Chapathi as night food in your home, it'll be said as supper.. If you take the same in a night party, it'll be said as dinner.. (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha.. Don't go to ancient period.. Supper means, a usual night food which is prepared in home for daily.. Dinner means, a special night food like in parties, any special occasions.. For why I'm asking you know..! Many of us use the word Dinner instead of supper.. Actually, I had my today's dinner with my friends in a hotel.. Yesterday I had my supper in my home.. (13 years ago)

Do you know the diff between Dinner and Supper..? (13 years ago)

For example, I told about Alfresco lunch.. Hereafter, you'll wish your friends at noon time as Have an alfresco lunch.. If the word is new one to your friend, he/she will ask about that.. If you know fully about that word, you can explain that to them.. By this way, a new word will be spreaded everywhere.. Actually, I got this word from MYTODAY mobile sms service website before 4years.. (13 years ago)

Dear guys.. One request for you.. We can Share your English knowledge what is in our mind.. For making interest of this topic or attracting others towards us, Don't post anything@ the result of searches in website... Even there are many ways to get knowledge, those ways never be equal to gathering knowledge from friends.. I didn't notice anyone as I said above.. (13 years ago)

hmm...i think that word is a process of changing 1 thing to other thing/bigger (13 years ago)

nafaa, hmmm..we all r 4nz here. So some time we should make fun. btw, i am sorry if u feel hurt.  (13 years ago)

Please Use only English... Actually I created this topic for the enrichment of our English knowledge... Please contribute as much you can.. (13 years ago)

95 out of 1000 ha haa.. Sorrry  (13 years ago)

Hmmmm.. Thats almost right.. We can ask as, How come you are here..! / what brings you here..! But most of us'll ask as, Why did you come here..? Or for what matter have you come here..? Nice Nafaa.. You got 95marks.. He..Hee.. (13 years ago)

You are working in a company/ organisation.. A known person comes to your working place and you want that for what matter he has come there.. At this situation, how will you ask him..? Like, why have you come here..? (Or) for what purpose have you come here..? Reply me guys... (13 years ago)

ok as i read, that word is usd in d.n.a. Sequencing. M i right Nafaa ? (13 years ago)

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