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GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF THE MOST HIGH,im back my bro @abasilim,Went up the mountain.Noooow,wait,what were you discussing b4 i rudely interrupted? Oooh!yes! About that guy a.k.a @phoenix? That guy is no good man,he a radical and incitor.knows to fuel fuss and fight but him a 'kite'.thats no gentleman.aargh,thats the ways of the babylonians over whom we conquer. (13 years ago)

What baffles me most is that u inspire knowledge that leads to astray....Lets presume dat i like u b4 hoping dat u gots many vibes, unffortunetly u turn into a parrot....Sorry for insulting u but u deserve it....Muslims should i abuse them? no bcos I luv My God...D AUTHOR N FINISHER.......I oftenly heard topics concerning muslem.Why can't they repent from their barbarian act My pheonix d only scorpion dat bite d opposers....Man bter apologise for d sins u hav caused or dis OS won't contain both of us.. (13 years ago)

What baffles me most is that u inspire knowledge that leads to astray....Lets presume dat i like u b4 hoping dat u gots many vibes, unffortunetly u turn into a parrot....Sorry for insulting u but u deserve it....Muslims should i abuse them? no bcos I luv My God...D AUTHOR N FINISHER.......I oftenly heard topics concerning muslem.Why can't they repent from their barbarian act My pheonix d only scorpion dat bite d opposers....Man bter apologise for d sins u hav caused or dis OS won't contain both of us.. (13 years ago)

My phoenix i am really sorry to spit on dis topic bcos it sucks seeing u talk like dis.U mean dat muslims don't support Osama.What re u ? a psycophant.hmmm bros drop ua shit bcos i no u can't stand infront of him talk more of shooting him.hehehe.Sluggard what do u believe? I dislike u bcos u re a KITE.Am sorry for d insult but u deserve it...If u truely WANT PEACE then forgets topics that provoked.U only want ua collegues...huh..Birds of d same feathers.....Don't reply but if u do!Then u definetly no u gat some with u. (13 years ago)

Osama appears in front of you and you have a machine gun with loaded.. Will you shoot out him or not..? If You Are Pure muslim, you'll shoot out him... This topic only for muslim brothers and sisters.. Frank answers are expected... I think this topic will make the end this Quarrel... (13 years ago)

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