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 Is first love always unforgettable??

..uwa uwaa all of ur all post make me rmmbered to my firstlove..the reason y i wnt to leave life...nurfaizah narudin i styl love youu even you've been dn't recognize me,styl love youu after many years..in fact nobody cn replace youu,all love have we made can never be erased..i love youu yes i do.. (14 years ago)

oh my oh my! it depends on how often u update and upgrade ua memory and..... delete old and unneccessary files. (14 years ago)

Yes 1st love is unforgetable.But as 2 people said that their 1st love forgot them.So that might not be the 1 love for the person who forgot them.Its the love for those who r not forgetting. LOVE & RAIN both are same someway, both give us true joy. But the basic difference is that RAIN wets our body & LOVE wets our eye...! (14 years ago)

It is very hard to deal with but you got to tel your self that life go's on and if that person dont wunt to b with you then that person is the one thats misn out on sumthink good  (14 years ago)

Hmm same goes here, my 1st love leave me and forgot about me.. But when we meet again he pretend don't know about me.. Poor me ='( (14 years ago)

Thanks for all the response..but i wasn't lucky coz my first love already forgot me.. (14 years ago)

Yes it's right. In the frst love we get some wonderful experience for the first time (14 years ago)

Yes' the first love person never forgot,' till the end of his/her life. (14 years ago)

first love nvr die,it alwyz exist in a present of ur life. (14 years ago)

Yes 1st love is always unforgettble. But im very luckey that my frist love iz my last love... (14 years ago)

Well...what do you think?? (14 years ago)

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