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 Help And Support

Give me ur id name..i will try my best to provide u bck ur id.. and before giving a challenge plz note this isn't ur "BATTLEFIELD"..  (11 years ago)

You guys are awesome really awesome don't u think that i am also a user like u all this topic has been created to show our problems that we face on deletion of ids, abusive comments, abusive rooms and so on. ids are deleted b'cause u do nuisence with that...admin don't want others to be abused.. ur photo might have broken the laws of this site and it gets deleted automatically... Better u shud try nt to upload nude pics and use of abusive words..  (11 years ago)

:O guys dont abuse plzz (11 years ago)

Hahahahha.. lakkha paazi hor maro isdi (11 years ago)

If I can I will do both help & support! thanks for topic. (11 years ago)

Manish aaisha meri firstlove id admin ne bin reason delete maar di... Help karo... Id wapas dilao to jane aapko.. its challange,,,, nd request (11 years ago)

ohhh aisha nice to hear about ur support centre... but wanna ask what kinda help u will provide.... can u give back my friend's id which deleted... can u delete the ids who r doing abusing...can u save the users which got hunted by the bloody abusers who r craps... ..... and do u know how to get the vip badge here..... Aisha better to leave these headaches on the head of admins ... as long as i know... u r also a new bie......and dont mind i m just kidding... u may help users as much u can... ...its really a great thought ... best of luck..... remember me when u need help too... (11 years ago)

jo samjho  (11 years ago)

Admin please avoid using multiple sites on single server and enlarge your bandwith capacity. Mobile Users face a lot of problem. And plz upgrade your java script. Thanks  (11 years ago)

This is the help and support centre if you need to complain or want any query we are always in your support.ThanksAisha Jha (11 years ago)

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