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 if you will be an animal, wich animal you whant to be?and why?

just answer the question. dont make things so complicated...ahahaha (13 years ago)

Who told you that he was basing his topic from a christian point of view? @vanilla (13 years ago)

I want to be a bird. I think exe also believe in bible because he is from Italy and we all know that Italy is a catholic country. I think exe is looking for an answer except man, same opinion with roda (13 years ago)

@roda u got it all wrong 100%.you look at the topic deeper,really?look at it again.you ans from your point of faith-bible.who told you @exedexes is a chritian?basing his topic in a christian point of view?''if you WILL be......''the key word is will which means the mental faculty by which one delibarately decides upon a course of action.you say man was not among the choices,it was not a multiple choice Q.you contradict yourself when you try to play the roles of a biology and a sundayschool teacher together. (13 years ago)

hmmnn.. hmmmn.. hmmnnn.. if am going to look on d question deeper, man in not included on d choices, although biologically we r classified as animals bcoz we belongs on d same group which is kingdom animalia, but why holy bible says animal were created before humans? hmmnnn..so it means biblically humans are not considered animals..looking forward for an answer except human.. (13 years ago)

I want 2 b an elephant, every one makng fun of mee boz me too slim (13 years ago)

I want 2 b an elephant, every one makng fun of mee boz me too slim (13 years ago)

I want 2 b an elephant, every one makng fun of mee boz me too slim (13 years ago)

sorry friend,i bet your mom biting her fingernails to pulp wherever she is regretting her mistake,but i can say you are not an orphan since you have a family you are proud of (13 years ago)

Pemuwa.. My guardian told me that my mother left me alone in a railway plotform bin card in my age of just 2 days.. (13 years ago)

i chose to differ with you @phoenix,you have been living a lie,you need to apologize to them wherever they are(may their souls rest in peace) for such thots.nature made you an orphan but not your parents,infact they would love to see you grow old past their age. (13 years ago)

If u ask animal,which human its wnt t0 be n y,i tink i alredy ans f0r u :-D.. .. Enj0y (13 years ago)

Since I'm an orphan in this birth, If I take my rebirth as animal, I want to born as any animal but I wish that my parents will be near to me always.. At least in my next birth I wont be an orphan.. I know that orphans are not born.. But, they are created by their own parents..  (13 years ago)

As for me,im proud to be the animal that i am,A MAN.If you dont remember,man is a mammal that walks upright,speaks,write.reads yes thats why im writing this for 'my fellow men' to read, ooh i wish you would be one.the list is endless and i see @abasilim telling me they are enough and he too has decided to be proud as a MAN.he he he. (13 years ago)

As for me,im proud to be the animal that i am,A MAN.If you dont remember,man is a mammal that walks upright,speaks,write.reads yes thats why im writing this for 'my fellow men' to read, ooh i wish you would be one.the list is endless and i see @abasilim telling me they are enough and he too has decided to be proud as a MAN.he he he. (13 years ago)

or to be an owl or an eagle (13 years ago)

hahahaha u r so funny exedexes, so guys keep away from thinkin thats u 2 b a bird, coz if u unLucky u can put i d'cage n can't fLy away.....so iLL choose want 2 b Ladybug. (13 years ago)

fly is fantastic, but read the topic 'human attitude' (13 years ago)

Bird bcoz bird can fly in to the sky (13 years ago)

Cat  (13 years ago)

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