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faizan6749  (10 years ago)
good afer noon
KismatB  (10 years ago)

sorry for be late
Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
Advance new year wish to
all my friends
may i can't wish that day
Every moment in a life has its value.
Morning brings beginning,
Afternoon brings way,
Evening brings Luck,
Night brings success,
Hope you will enjoy
all of them, for everyday



drops4u  (10 years ago)

faizan6749  (10 years ago)
m2 very gud woud u miss me b4?
faizan6749  (10 years ago)
m2 very gud woud u miss me b4?
faizan6749  (10 years ago)
hi malli how r u?
drops4u  (10 years ago)

KomischGirl  (10 years ago)

KismatB  (10 years ago)

Begin the day with a light heart.
Let all your worries be swept aside at night.
Smile a moment and thank Allah,
for every moment He cares for you all the way.
Good Night friend
Take care.


drops4u  (10 years ago)

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