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yuanyuan861102 Guestbook

arnav0260  (12 years ago)
Hi dr... How r u?
arnav0260  (12 years ago)

GoOd MoRnInG Dear Friend......
Have a lovely Day..

AVI50100  (12 years ago)
Oww ..n¡Ce name .

AVI50100  (12 years ago)

You d¡dn't say your name ..?
Your name ..?
AVI50100  (12 years ago)

¡ sa¡d "cute" ..¡t meanz good .
AVI50100  (12 years ago)
Yea ..very n¡Ce to myt ya tOo .
AVI50100  (12 years ago)

Yea ..¡ was there that t¡me ..but not now ,
ß'coz ..don't ¡'ve enough t¡me to chat there .
AVI50100  (12 years ago)

Ooh! ..so ..ya see me there ¡n "i_love_u_l¡e" room ..r¡te ..?
Haha! ..smart g¡rl .,
AVI50100  (12 years ago)

Btw ..¡'m alex young .,
wat'z ya name cut¡e ?

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