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Qiedelz Guestbook

foreverYouandI  (10 years ago)
Its ok qiqi, imiss u
pravin143s  (10 years ago)
A bond of love,
A medal of trust.
A shoulder in sadness,
A hand in darkness.
A special relation to hold,
An ear where secrets can be told.
An appreciator for
Something that doesn't cost.
A jewel never to be lost.
Is the magic called
Yuni03  (10 years ago)
Begadang itu suka gk tidur smpe tengah malam qiqi,
apa kabar skrng? Kanggeeenn qiqi
pravin143s  (10 years ago)
A friend like you is like no other friend
A friend like you is a friend I'm happy to have met
A friend like you is a friend I can't scream at or fight with
A friend like you is like having no worries in my life
A friend like you is a friend that I don't want to lose
A friend like you is like being in comfort all day
A friend like you is a friend I always wanted
A friend like you is truly awesome
A friend like you is random and funny
A friend like you is a friend that I love to death and I will never let go
A friend like you is a friend I can tell all my secrets to
A friend like you is like the little brother I've always wanted
A friend like you is like the little sister I've always wanted
A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up
A friend like you is a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things
A friend like you is a friend who laughs at dumb things I say or do
A friend like you is a friend I am proud to call my best friend.
Yuni03  (10 years ago)

Baguslah klo kamu udah baek
jga keshatan slalu ya, makan teratur n jgn lupa minum obat, jgn suka begadang tuh,,,
hope to meet u in time
foreverYouandI  (10 years ago)
Qie im sorry i cant get ol, my phone was destroy
Yuni03  (10 years ago)
Qiqi sorry aku bru bisa ol ne hri
kmu udah baek kah?? Get well soon qiqi,,, makan teratur n jgn lupa minum obat, jaga keshtan ya,, i miss u so much
pravin143s  (10 years ago)
A friend is someone we turn to, when our spirits need a lift,
A friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find but lucky to have.
A friend is someone who walks in when the whole world has walked out
That's why you my friend are my best friend
pravin143s  (10 years ago)
You are my best friend,
that's what I really want too say!
Doing things together ,
every day!
Whatever happens in our friendship,
whatever we do,
I want too stay FOREVER FRIENDS with you!
333968  (10 years ago)


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