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qadirhusainkhan Guestbook

kerimbincelal  (10 years ago)

Nabillafairuz  (10 years ago)

Asalamu Allaikum
my qadir
Good evening
Have a nice Evening

danelfiriel  (10 years ago)
Don't be sad for the bad things that happen to you....

Remember that
Everything happens for a reason!

333968  (10 years ago)
Wishing you have a wonderful Thursday

Take good care of yourself

My dear friend


ALPEREN3  (10 years ago)


ALPEREN3  (10 years ago)

Good night my dear friend

bye : )
Riyaz01  (10 years ago)

Making one person smile can change the world
Maybe not the whole world,
But their world.

spread love everywhere you go.
Let no one ever come to you
without leaving happier...

❃дгtเ₰tเς ℜ✥ย❃

333968  (10 years ago)

May You Discover How To Ease Your Disturbed,
Overworked Brain Into Manifestation
And Consciousness,
So You Can Disengage
From Adverse Conditions,
And Modify Your Life
For The Best This Coming Year.
Happy New Year 2014!

333968  (10 years ago)

May your Heart Be Filled With
Peace & Faith in God,
May your Days of Doubt Be
Replaced With Days of Hope
And Cheer…
May you and your Family Get Nurtured
With Lots Of Love
Wish you a Merry Christmas…

Nabillafairuz  (10 years ago)

Assalamu Allaikum

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