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ibrahim9837 Guestbook

KismatB  (9 years ago)
Wa Alaykum-Assalam
Ya akhee Ibrahim
miss u too brother

Ana Bakhair
Kaifa Anta ?

Begin the day with a light heart.
Let all your worries be swept aside at night.
Smile a moment and thank Allah,
for every moment He cares for you all the way.
Good Night brother
Take care


niteking001  (9 years ago)
Good Night | Source
Diclehann  (9 years ago)

niteking001  (9 years ago)
Good Night | Source
xxNOURxx  (9 years ago)

xxNOURxx  (9 years ago)

niteking001  (9 years ago)
Angel | Source
BracesGirly  (9 years ago)

Have a nice day

BracesGirly  (9 years ago)

whitewine  (9 years ago)

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