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soulmate160197  (9 years ago)
Thnku souble bread ke toste
soulmate160197  (9 years ago)

£ook...th€ moon ¡$ ¢@££¡ng u ...

$€€ th€ $t@®$ ® $h¡n¡ng fo® u..

H€@® m¥ h€@®t $@¥$: m@¥ God

bu¡£t @ ¢@$t£€ ¡n th€ h€@v€n

@nd m@d€ u €@t f®om ¡t$

f®u¡t$ !!!

Good N¡ght fr!end ...

$₩€€t D®€@mzzZzz

soulmate160197  (9 years ago)

,,''`°^°`'$t@rt ¥our d@¥'`°^°`'',

,,''`°₩¡th @ $m¡£€ on ¥our f@©€^`

,,''`°^@nd ¥ou ₩¡££ f¡nd th@t^°`'',,

,,''`°^@££ ¥ou g€t b@©k @r€^°`'',,

,,''`°^°`''$m¡£€ ¡n r€turn''`°^°`'',,

₩¡$h ¥ou @ v€r¥ GooD Morn¡nG

soulmate160197  (9 years ago)

¡f ¥ou ₩@nt $om€th¡ng ¥ou n€v€r h@d,

Do $om€th¡ng ¥ou h@v€ n€v€r don€.

Don't go th€ ₩@¥ £¡fe t@k€$ ¥ou,

T@k€ th€ £¡f€ th€ ₩@¥ ¥ou go.

@nd r€m€mb€r ¥ou @r€ born to l¡v€,

Not £¡v¡ng b€©@u$€ ¥ou @r€ born.


soulmate160197  (9 years ago)
ni ap us wali pe aain dats it
soulmate160197  (9 years ago)
soulmate160197  (9 years ago)
soulmate160197  (9 years ago)


KimP0ssible  (9 years ago)
wat an avatar
soulmate160197  (9 years ago)
ya ya so nice

who r u?

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