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Evil and cruel !!

fhab16 Guestbook

fhab16  (13 years ago)
We all make mistakes in life.
That's how we learn and grow as humans.
The best way to learn how to do something right is to make mistakes while you try for yourself.
Still, it's important to apologize when you are wrong, to admit your mistake so you can move on with your life
fhab16  (13 years ago)
" eveRy1 can make you SMILE but not all people can make you happy.That's why SMILES are PROJECTED easily while HAPPINESS is seen RARELY" ^_^

samir4love  (13 years ago)
{Image} good morning
mailmekishor  (13 years ago)
hiii hubzz,
i made some mistake..
plz forgive me..
mailmekishor  (13 years ago)
hii hubzz..!!
watz r u doing...?
wer r u..?
Dindieseptember  (13 years ago)
hey thanks for add...
superman847  (13 years ago)
Srinuv143  (13 years ago)
Hi how are you.
mailmekishor  (13 years ago)
love u..
oktn05  (13 years ago)
Hai thnQ 4 added me.nice 2 met u.hw r u?

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