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Dhewit57 Guestbook

NIX45  (10 years ago)
what you should eat today?

I challenge you to eat a soup like this?
I hope you like vegetables

refreshments spinach
for you Leiu

very carrot

I recommend
you like vegetables?
NIX45  (10 years ago)

hello Leiu
let me introduce myself
My name is Frank

NIX45  (10 years ago)

enjoy Leiu

NIX45  (10 years ago)

my specialty carrot cake for you
I hope you like carrot ..

zizo202  (10 years ago)

NIX45  (10 years ago)

There was once an egg that felt very different
I was disowned
until one day ..

everyone laughed of
unfortunate egg
but now after one was caught
all stunned

had to do something ..

eggs may face?
were cowards
They decided to flee
all eggs separated
some were lost

others were broken in the attempt to escape

others were captured
and taken to a hot skillet
so they can be consumed by my friend Leiu

I hope you enjoyed this story ..
NIX45  (10 years ago)

have a nice day my friend Leiu

zizo202  (10 years ago)

NIX45  (10 years ago)

For Lelu

NIX45  (10 years ago)
what ur name?

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