COcKpunCHer  留言板 (20) 留言

13 年前
Left for two months and was happy to found that i had one message waiting only to discover it was spam. fml
13 年前
13 年前
The end. Im leaving i guess. No one appreciates my work.
13 年前
Idiots.. A negative and a negative makes a positive, thats simple math, when you put that in a sentence it would cancel out the argument.. Rendering it moot.. Saying something is the largest, then saying something else is also big, the earlier big is no longer the 'largest' now is it..
13 年前
Women like men who have muscles, tough, etc. I always try to exercise as much as i can in order to improve my body.. but as much as i like women, i like food more, and food never dissapoint, one look at me and you will see.. Food wins
13 年前
Scott pilgrim vs the world is a cool movie, and also recently watched Inception and how to train your dragon.. Cool movies
13 年前
People are picky, when the option to choose are limited and you are left with the worse choice what will you do. If i could witness that i would laugh my ass off. Think of how a kid feel if their parents love his or her brother or sister more than him or her. He or she would be devastated. Hurt beyond repair. Well maybe not but you get the picture. But what if one day that child becomes succesful than the other and you needed their help. If it was me id tell them to go fuck themselves. Again maybe not but it might happen. What im saying is be the better person. Dont be picky. Share the love. Be friendly. Sleep around. Kidding. You know what i mean. That leave that poor child alone and friendless. He or she may turn out to be a better friend.
13 年前
I suggest people to refrain from listening or reading bad languages, by bad i mean curses. Movies with these languages are many and i am not proud to say it is now a part of my vocabulary. So cuss comes natural to me, as is so apparent below. It can be a stress relief if one curses though.
13 年前
Woke up 20mins before 9, didnt realize i was in the 'earth hour' and switched on the light
13 年前
Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow
13 年前
A kiss is magical.. More potent than alcohol and drugs, not to mention the lesser evil.. yet it is the hardest to get
13 年前
Such a waste, i have a good command of this language in comparison to others with a 2k jobs and yet they dont employ me.. Whats up with that? Corruption? Nepotism? Fuck that.. Trying doesnt work anymore, i dont know what does.. I am depressed, alone, frustrated, angry, but does the world care? No.. The thought of helping may ruin their perfect lives, as if i have some form of disease.. Humans are cruel, evil even, their indifference can kill.. Have a thought the next time you see a person, dont leave them hanging if you initiate something, it will make matters worse..
13 年前
Ganbare nippon!
13 年前
My story got posted on the site, thought it wouldnt.. Just took a bit of time.. You could ask me which one is mine, i dont mind, i may be strange to you, but what is normal? Are you? Are you sure? Life throws a lot of things to different people, causing one to behave different or as a result turn out different, is anyone normal?
13 年前 my favourite site.. Not because i enjoy the suffering.. Because i can relate.. I have no drive.. No reason.. No purpose.. No one.. Relations need money.. I have none.. Hence i dont try.. When you struggle for three years, one lose hope.. Lose more than hope.. Probably if and thats a big if.. If i had a girlfriend id probably try harder and not lose hope that easily.. But i have nothing.. Power, money, women.. Scarface ingredients, which eludes me.. For the right price, i will kowtow to mediocrity.. Yes i am desperate.. No? Oh well.. Back to my pitiful life.. I could write a book on it.. No one would (want to) read it.. Feel sorry for japan.. I hope they can survive the challanges.. Always love the country.. The culture.. The language.. Not to mention the women.. Im suicidal, not homicidal.
13 年前
Just finished P3P on the psp, never played persona 3 fes before, bought the game but my system couldnt read it as i had an old fat ps2 but i did finish persona 3.. The greatest game ever, not ashamed to admit it.. I cried a bit lol.. Beautiful storyline.. Characters.. Just about everything.. Just wish the ending was clear cut.. Maybe not.. It gives good advice as a whole.. At some point it had some similarities in my life, which made me like the game even more, not this time around though, when i played it before, all the same, it is still great. If only life was a video game..
13 年前
RPG's are meant to be turn based, anything else is just Action.. Im old school, sue me
13 年前
Welcome back my friend, wanted to reply but your ownskin setting only allows friends to sent messages
13 年前
need a place to vent
13 年前
i am unhappy, i am sad, for i have tried and tried, yet nothing changes, problem keeps on knocking on the door, i need a drink
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