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何时加入吾网: 12 年前
年龄: 32



out reach (11 年前)
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情感状况: 单身贵族
我喜欢: to funny poeple, P and trip the poeple nothing im happy
我讨厌: those poeple is lier and fake hahahahahaha idiot bullshit, and playboy
最爱的明星: me, p
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devil: love in net is stupid doing :p



im not good im not bad im normal i hate those poeple specially flirt boy :P im do ruin poeple not worth to give love :hee:
sometime im devil :hmm: :rofl:

留言板 (62) 留言

11 年前
11 年前
11 年前
11 年前
“Take your time to read this
Never leave a true relationship for
few FAULTS thatcan be resolved or ignored.
Remember there's no onewho is correct or perfect ineverything. When timecomes whenyou are giving up on someone because of his or her imperfections, first
take a look at yourself and question yourself if you’re flawless in everything, Then think of the next person you’re gonna date, won't h/she find you
also imperfect somewhere? Then how will you feel when he or she
dumps you because of that? What if you find him/her worse than our ex? Will you also
dump that person cos h/she doesn’t match with what you want? Then
when will that habit of picking and dropping lovers end? Think of the years that are
going, you growing up, you are losing each and every
chance that comes you way simply because you are looking for the
complete person! Your mates are getting married and settling down with their dudes
and babes but for your case you're still in a hunt for the right person.
My friends, there is no Mr. and Mrs. Perfect on earth. If you are thinking of letting go of
your caring, patient, loving, understanding, trustworthy dude or babe, think
twice prior you decide. You’re better off than many lonely or brokenhearted people
out there. Someone is out there admiring your Man or woman and wishes to
replace you one day. Someone is out there praying and campaigning for your break
up, some are ur friends pretending to be your best friends. Come on,
solve those disagreements, give your lover privacy if it’s what he or she needs, if it
needs ignoring some things please do so that you keep your relationship
going on, and feel free to apologize when you’re in wrong, be a good listener, don’t
entertain rumors that much, Make decisions on your own, use your brain
and follow ur heart. Be God fearing, Stick by your lover, appreciate what h/she
sacrifices for you no matter it’s small coz that is what h/she can afford. Be
proud of ur lover and make your relationship admirable by everyone.
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