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Dernier login: 12 years ago
Skinner depuis: 12 years ago
Sexe: Masculin
Age: 24

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12 years ago
I'm very happy to meet you,
Friendship is not only because of feelings or what we have but because of understanding, sharing and caring. friendship does not think distance, age or even color. friendship is not just playing or chatting with each other. but friendship is hearing each others voice from the heart. A friend is a gift . someone who will cares as much as i do because life is all about happiness and is only happiness can give you a perfect long life, I'm very happy to meet you,something motivated me to contact you,

after i saw your profile today please i have every important reason why I decided to contact you.My Dear in your usual time may it pleases you to write me back in my email address So that can be able to tell you the Reason why I decided to contact you i promise to tell you more about myself as soon as receive your email and i will also give you my pic for you to know who am and Reason of my contact to you

( )

12 years ago
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