">http://data1.whicdn.com/images/83802973/large.jpg" border="0"/>
people vanish,people die;
people laugh and people cry;
some give up,some will try
some say hi,while some say bye
others may forget,but never will I...
♥ I want you to hug me
when I get scared ♥
♥ I want you to kiss me
when I act like a kid ♥
♥ I want you to care for me
when I’m sick ♥
♥ I want you to listen to me
when I wanna say something ♥
♥ I want you to understand my
silence when I don’t have words ♥
♥ to express what I feel
I want you to love me ♥
♥ FOREVER..... ♥
♥ prem ♥
good night