">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/d23fc3eb1832eea9d46cfc26dbbffb17.jpg" border="0"/>Everyone desire happiness nobody wants pain but it cannot b possible 2 get a RAINBOW without a little RAIN..
I need you in times of pain, fear and stress and even to smile in my happiness too. . . . I need you to share my joys, to share my tears too with you . . I need you to hold on and be strong, when things are going wrong . . I need you to keep the faith and trust and to remind me "What I'm"... I need you only for two times, Now and Always . . . .!¡!
Action">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/b58a7b7fed0c8e9058374de71ff519d1.jpg" border="0"/>Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.
">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zMVgYbPw2bE/TcmBR-nhEbI/AAAAAAAAACw/wFzL9-9ApL4/s1600/life_beautiful8.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-X5QmNUOReRs/TkJ_QxeCAVI/AAAAAAAADhA/yMCn_p2XGz8/s1600/smile-because-life-is-beautiful-1.jpg" border="0"/> life is beautiful so enjoy ur beautiful life with your sweet smile Smile A While & While You Smile Another Smile, Soon There's Miles & Miles ...Of Smiles, & Life's Worthwhile Because YOU Smiled ... ^.^ keep smile on ur face love u my dear frd qadir husain khan
if you cant fly, Then run! if you cant run, Then walk! if you cant walk, Them craw! but keep moving towards your goal. Thats life. ">http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/19859_236235973878_76149233878_3147829_5901096_n.jpg" border="0"/>