Sardar:Will U Marry me? Girl:Sorry I'm a Lesbian. Sardar:"Whats Lesbian?" Girl:"I have Sex only with Girls". Sardar:"Maar Taali I'm also Lesbian" yOu doNt likE.. OH.. nO smiLe ok tRy aNoThEr... ''NURSE KEPT SARDAR FINGER IN HER MOUTH AFTER BLOOD TEST THEN HE STARTED DANCING.. NURSE: Y you are dancing? SARDAR:Next is urine test doN kiL mE..itS jusT a jokE 4 uR sMiLiNg wEekeNd frieNdhAVe">" border="0"/>hAVe FanTastiC weEkENd With sMiLe aNd a..a..a..a...
'UsuaLLy wheN pEopLe aRe sAd, thEy don'T dO aNythiNg. ThEy juSt cRy ovEr thEir cOnDitioN. BuT whEn thEy gEt aNgRy, thEy bRiNg aBoUt a chAnGe..' sO sOmeTimeS aNgEr iS nOt bAd hAvE a aNgRy DaY... wIsHiNg a LucKy dAy...
'What’s thE usE oF worRyinG? It nEvEr wAs worTh whiLe, sO paCk uP yoUr trOubLes iN yoUr oLd kiT-baG, anD smiLe... smiLe... smiLe... GOOD MORNING... haVe a nicE dAy wiTh smiLe...lookE soMe exAmpLe of smiLe 4 YoUi">" border="0"/>i have won the raceangry">" border="0"/>angry smileartist">" border="0"/>artist smileback">" border="0"/>back smilenow">" border="0"/>now and then smiledeadly">" border="0"/>deadly smilenow">" border="0"/>now choose one and wear it
AnOthEr mOnTh~ anOthEr yeAr~ aNoThEr smiLe~ aNoThEr tEaR~ aNoThEr wiNtEr~ a sUmmEr tOO... bUt tHeRe wiLL nEvEr bE.... aNoThEr yOu!!! CoLouRfuL niGhT to yOu... ~ .~ ~.~ ~.~ thanx 4 ur nice msg
hey hawz u my brather sorry i m very busy i m examining thise the week day ex nd day rest hope u be well miss u dear u r welcome u eny time have a lovely day