bE a bAby... cOz thEy hAd nO paSt tÖ bE cRy..thEy dOeSn't knÖw thE fuTuRe..thEy eNjÖy eAch n eVeRy mÖmeNt...sÖ eNjÖy uR eVeRy mÖmEnt wiTh smiLe liKe baAy donT waNt tO bE a biG baBy.. Ok.. heRe's anÖtheR optioN gUt MORNING
Todays Thought: Try hard to get what u like (or) you will be forced to like what u get… Keep smiling always it increases ur face value… Good Morning and Have a terrific day… hey kya bolti tu
'On a Silent night wen friends are few... I close my eyes and think of U... A Silent night.. A Silent tear.. A Silent wish that U were Here.. Missing you dear...'
hi friend... pls help me.. in ownskin start one competition(game) 'ownskin jodi of the month' n i participate it so pls give a vote... pls open my id n visit my friend "bebodearworld"(her avtar image is )