Ohh my friend Eka don't make me so emotional yaar...or i'll be start crying.... I'm busy for ma exam... I Never forget you... See that i'm hurry i made mistake i delete you... Sorry for that pls accept me again... I'm fine... And what about you... You also not came to see me....
Have a magical day hungry doctor ">http://img104.herosh.com/2011/06/06/192462376.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://img101.herosh.com/2011/06/06/480728855.gif" border="0"/> NEAL
DiCtiOnaRy iS tHe oNLy pLACe wHeRe DeATh cOMEs bEfoRe LifE, SuCcEss bEfoRe WorK, DiVORCe bEfoRe MaRriaGe, BuT FriENd cOMe bEfoRe ReLaTivE..gooD nighT..sWeeT DrEaMs