U workin hard doctor bt ur serious patient is here i mean me , so please give me ur sweet smile and a hug to make me alive doctor hahaha enjoy ur work fairy. Hope u smile
Life is so beautiful ">http://img105.herosh.com/2011/06/21/262858842.gif" border="0"/> Enjoy it every moment in ur own way ur own style dear Doctor fairy ">http://img105.herosh.com/2011/06/21/324338893.gif" border="0"/> Neal
“Thought 4 the day” I CriEd whEn I hAd nO shoEs. SuddenLy I sToppEd cRyiNg whEn i sAw a mAn wiThouT leG. LifE iS fuLL of BlEssinGs sOmeTime wE dOn’t uNdeRstaNd iT.GooD MorNinG...¤~¤~¤
It's a nice feeling when u know that sum1 likes u, sum1 thinks about u, sum1 needs u, but it feels much better when u know that sum1 never forget u & alwayz mind u♥♥ Miss U frn ... TANJID