a very gud thought u cannot hurt somdone who feels nothing special for u nd u cannot be hurt by anyone unless dat person is special to U .miss u dear Miss s ss u gud morng have a great monday .
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Frndshp 4 ever" and its first chapter is Keep Smile alwyz.. I miss u my dear. . TANJID
'Go coNfidEntLy in tHe diReCtiOn of yOUr dReaMs. LivE thE LifE yOu hAvE imAginEd... ALwayS bEAr iN minD ThaT yOUr oWn rEsoLutiOn to sUccEEd iS moRe iMpoRtaNt thAn aNy OtheR..'