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12 years ago
good morning

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take care

keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago

When I was a kid I used to think being in love was something magical,something special.
But when I fell for you all my expectations of love shattered.
I thought you loved me, you said you loved me, but now your leaving me for someone else.
This is not the fairytale story I wanted.
I loved you, I still do, but now I'm brokenhearted, I let you in, I gave you my all, but you just played with my heart, you lied.

You said we'd always be together, you promised we'd always be together...

12 years ago
good morning

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take care

keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago
good morning

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hve a awsome day

take care

keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago

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HvE a GoOd DaY

TaKe CaRe

KeEp SmIlInG

12 years ago

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HvE a GoOd DaY

TaKe CaRe

KeEp SmIlInG

12 years ago

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HvE a GoOd DaY

TaKe CaRe

KeEp SmIlInG

12 years ago

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HvE a GoOd DaY

TaKe CaRe

KeEp SmIlInG

12 years ago
Good morning

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Always B happy,
Always wear a smile;
not bcoz life is full ofreason to smile,
but bcoz ur Smile itself is a reason4 many others to SMILE.

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keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago
good morning

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MoRNiNgs are jst like paintings U need aninSpiration 2get U going a smil&#65533; 2brightenit up,and a msg from S&#65533;M1 who cAres 2coloru

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take care

keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago
Good morning

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Mornings get Sweeter when..
You think of the one person who make ur Heart smile !
Ah-ha it's me or someone else.
Good Morning Dear !!

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take care

keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago

12 years ago
Good morning

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When the weather comes true
I miss u
When the flower covered dew
i miss u
When the day comes new
I miss u

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take care

keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago
good morning

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keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago

Don't worry about hard times,
because most of the beautiful things
we have in life come from changes and mistakes.

Change and mistakes are two aspects of life
that help us to become better people.
Change is the transition from something old
into something new,
We have to maintain new changes in our lives
on a regular basis in order to
grow and reach our potential.

Mistakes are another part of life
that are vital to our success.
Without making mistakes we won't realize
what choices to make later on in life,
and if we don't learn from our mistakes
we will easily commit the same ones later in life,
over and over again until we learn from them.

So... keep your head high,
keep your chin up, and most importantly...
Don't resist change,
and don't be afraid to make a mistake
Though they may seem difficult
face changes and learn from mistakes!

Everybody makes mistakes.But only a few wise people learn from them.
May we learn from all our mistakes from passed 2012...

Happy New Year


Happy New Year



...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013...
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12 years ago
Good morning

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hve a awsome day

keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
12 years ago

╰❤╮╰☆╮ ❤❤ ╰☆╮╰❤╮
Four candles were talking to each other

♥. . . ♥♥.">" border="0"/>♥. . . ♥

1st-”I am PEACE,
no one needs me” & it went off..
2nd-”I am FAITH,
nobody believes in me” & it went off..
3rd-”I am LOVE,
nobody cares for me” & it went off..
4th-”I can light the other three''
...!!!because I am HOPE & I last forever!!!...

♥♥♥♥">" border="0"/>♥♥

Life is tough, sometimes impossible to live..
...but never lose hope...
I wish that your candle of HOPE
lights all your other candles
and keep them glowing.
Stay Blessed...
♥">" border="0"/>

...S W E E TD">" border="0"/>D R E A M E S...

╰❤╮╰☆╮ ❤❤ ╰☆╮╰❤╮

12 years ago

╰♡╮☆ ❤ ☆ ☆ ❤ ☆╰♡╮
never forget, how special you are.
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May your heart be happy, may your days be bright,
may your roads be smooth, may your burdens be light,
may you find the dreams, may you touch the stars,
may you never forget, how special you are.

May you go the places in life that you desire to go.
Sometimes forget who we are. When we are willing to believe right,
then we will be able to behave right and achieve the heights that we want to achieve.
You have to have belief in who you are,
because much of our life happens based off of the knowledge of who we are on this world.

Remember that you arent perfect,
and if you are ever to be happy sometimes you will have bumps in the road,
and sometimes your burdens will be a little heavier than usual.
Never lose sight of your dreams,
and always remember that if you continue to aim high in life
you will become who you aspire to become eventually!

☆ ☆ ☆☆">" border="0"/>☆ ☆ ☆
never forget, how special you are.
╰♡╮☆ ❤ ☆ ☆ ❤ ☆╰♡╮

12 years ago

A life is just like a beach.. Nothing stays with us , what remains with us is d
memories of some special people like me , who touched us , as waves .....

Hve a nice day

keep smilling

yours loving Jimy
12 years ago
good morning

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hve a good day

keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
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