Time is Gone, Frame is Break, Dream is Lost but our sweetest babe frndship is never gone or break or lost.. Always Together Forever.. Miss u my babe zyreen
Time is Gone, Frame is Break, Dream is Lost but our sweetest babe frndship is never gone or break or lost.. Always Together Forever.. Miss u my babe zyreen
'tImE CaN StEaL AnYtHiNg fRoM U... uR LoVeD OnEs.. uR ViCtOrY.. Ur bElOnGiNgS.. Ur bEaUtY.. Ur sTrEnGtH AnD MonEy.. uR HuMoR AnD SmIlE.. BuT It cAnNoT StEaL TwO ThInGs.. uR FaItH & CoNfIdEnCe...' gOoD MoRnInG.. HaVe lOvElY WeEkEnD...
'wHeReVeR YoU Go, No mAtTeR WhAt tHe wEaThEr, AlWaYs bRiNg yOuR OwN SuNsHiNe... – yOuR AtTiTuDe, NoT YoUr aPtItUdE, wIlL DeTeRmInE YoUr aLtItUdE...' GoOd nIgHt dEaR FriEnD...
Good is Well, Bad is Weary, Naughty is Silly, Remember is Happiness, Mind is Miss, Friendship is 4ever, & the friend is U my babe zyreen Miss u too very very much..
PoWeR Of gIrLs: A BoY MaKeS A MiStAkE, gRl sCoLdS HiM, bOy sAyS"SoRy" NxT TiMe gRl mAkEs a mIsTaKe, BoY ScOlDs hEr, GrL CrIeS.. BoY SaYs"sOrY" hAvE FuNnY DrEaMs aNd sMiLiNg dAy... adult kid thanx dear for nice saying
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