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13 years ago

">http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/16600000/Lovely-night-for-a-lovely-Princess-sweety-babies-16667998-350-504.jpg" border="0"/>
. . .. . .

have Lovely dreamz
13 years ago
">http://www.3andna.com/photo/ToP/POOH/3ANDNA_POOH23.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13300857161.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13300857162.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13300857163.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13300865491.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13300857165.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13300863471.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13300863472.gif" border="0"/>
13 years ago
←(☻_.•°``°•. aSaLaMoAlIkUm

SoFt sPeEcH, cLeAn hEaRt, PeAcEfUl eYeS, fOcUsEd mInD & DeTeRmInEd dEcIsIoNs aLwAyS MaKe u wInNeR In lIfE.!

SuBaH BaKhEr

*mAy aLlAh bLeSs u*.•°``°•._☻)→

└─«☹^ⁿДqεεĹ ДחšДѓϊⁿ^☹»─┘
13 years ago
">http://livinglightinternational.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/sunnyday1.jpg" border="0"/>
">http://msinginaction.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/perfectly_unperfect_sunny_day_by_sanubian.jpg" border="0"/>
">http://graphicdesigna.com/art/sunnyday.jpg" border="0"/>

13 years ago

verY GooD MorninG raaA.

13 years ago
a nice quote by a frend. . .

“I don’t care
wen yu disturb me,

But I get disturb
wen yu don’t disturb me,

so keep disturbIng my frend. .

have a k0ol daY

13 years ago

A laugh as it adds curve to ur face…

dispels the gloom and a sunshine to be

a fresh morning dew

tip of the peak with enlightened light

shimmer and sparkle and light like paradise to be

driving the clouds away…

a smile that strengthens the soul….

a whisper so pure gladdens the hearts

an unseen courage yet felt so strong….

a life full of laughter cheering the folks around…

a music in my ears

that still lingers in my heart

and the melody where my heart hears it

the ills of life depart…

surrounded by smiles…a happy feeling to be

a sunrise forever at the horizon of my smile forever i see

nothing but just a little curve…adding life to me

and singing the music..oh what a beautiful life oh thee

sugar sweet living with drops of honey

and sweeter then the life gets to me

embracing the beauty and the warmth of this life….
i welcome u oh sunshine
shining bright forever to me

">http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--6JIv6r2nUs/TZAUAQBhC2I/AAAAAAAAAKM/DizjG6VeMTk/s1600/smile2.gif" border="0"/>

">http://www.sendflowersinternationally.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/send-flowers-online.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://www.snegidhi.com/images/wallpapers/Others/love_greetings_1.jpg" border="0"/>

13 years ago
">http://n4hr.com/up/uploads/59aefe9e2b.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13299870291.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13299870292.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13299870293.gif" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13299870294.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13299870295.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13299875861.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://center.jeddahbikers.com/uploads/jb13299875862.gif" border="0"/>

13 years ago
deY saY az Long az at Least One PersOn cares fo yU,
lifE Isn't a WasTe,
So wen tHingz gO terribLy wrOng,
nd yU fEel Like giVing Up,
pLz reMemBer . .U've gOt

TaKe caRe mY frend . . .

13 years ago
no holiday yar

one girl swap holiday with me, so i hav to go to work today...

i hav holiday on friday and saturday... not today

yah biriyani waz my lunch how abt u???

13 years ago
Gud mrg Raj.how r u?
13 years ago

">http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzsozpYfdm1r7olajo1_500.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://i10.glitter-graphics.org/pub/1053/1053140fh3gileq6w.gif" border="0"/>

sleep well

good ni8 desi boy Raj

sweet dreams

13 years ago
Gud ni8 Raj.hav a sweet dreams.
13 years ago
Thank u Raj.
13 years ago
Oh God i don't knw ur address. how can i cum there?
13 years ago
Am cuming there. Raj wait for me
13 years ago
Oh gud i like veg briyani so much
13 years ago
Chicken or mutton briyani?
13 years ago
Wats d menu?
13 years ago
Yeah cmpltd.
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